'˜Brutal' unprovoked attack by violent teenagers in Leighton Buzzard

A gang of violent teenagers are being hunted by police following an unprovoked 'brutal' attack on a man in Leighton Buzzard.

The incident took place on Sunday (March 27) at around 8.45pm at the corner of Vimy Road with Leighton Road, near the Tesco supermarket.

A gang of around four or five teenage boys began shouting abuse at the man who was walking alone, before surrounding him and punching and kicking him to the ground.

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The group are described as being between 15 and 18 years old, of average build and each around 5ft 6ins to 5ft 8ins tall.

They were all wearing dark clothing, while the main offender is described as having short blonde hair which was longer on top and swept backwards.

Officers investigating the serious assault are now appealing for anyone who saw it to come forward.

Det Con Rachel Lydon said: “This was a completely unprovoked, brutal attack on an innocent stranger which has left him scarred and shaken.

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“We know that passers-by stopped to help the victim and helped to disperse the attackers, so I would be keen to hear from anyone who saw what happened or recognises the description of these violent youths.

“Violence of any kind is not tolerated by Bedfordshire Police and we are committed to tracing and bringing to justice those responsible.”

Call Det Con Lydon on 101 with information, or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.