Man badly bruised after being attacked by street robbers

A man was badly bruised after being robbed by a gang in Hockliffe Road, Leighton Buzzard, on Saturday (April 16.)

The incident occurred between 10.10pm and 10.30pm when the victim was assaulted as he walked past a group of three men.

The trio restrained him and punched him while demanding cash and his phone. After taking money they made off towards the town centre and ran into George Street.

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All of the culprits have been described as white, around 20 years old, of slender build and around 6ft tall. One is believed to have spoken with an Irish accent.

Det Con Rebecca Kitts, investigating, said: “This was a violent unprovoked attack which has left the victim with bruising and he is understandably shaken.

“This is a busy residential road and I am urging anyone with information or who witnessed the incident to get in touch. Robbery is unacceptable and we will not tolerate this violent behaviour.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Det Con Kitts on 101. You can also contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111 or