Help put the focus into finding the right care home

The NHS is under a duty to meet the entire cost of care, should it be demonstrated that an individual has a primary health need in comparison to a social needThe NHS is under a duty to meet the entire cost of care, should it be demonstrated that an individual has a primary health need in comparison to a social need
The NHS is under a duty to meet the entire cost of care, should it be demonstrated that an individual has a primary health need in comparison to a social need
Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire are conducting a series of focus groups across Central Bedfordshire to better understand the qualities people look for in a residential or nursing care home and how they ensure those qualities are sustained once the choice is made.

Understanding the important decisions taken when choosing a care home and how people ensure quality is sustained will enable Central Bedfordshire Council to commission residential and nursing care homes for the future that are better suited to the needs of the local population.

Would you be interested in taking part in one of these focus groups?

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If so, Healthcare Central Bedfordshire would like to hear from you. Please contact Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire on 0300 303 8554

Visit our website for further information.

The next meeting is at Toddington Village hall tomorrow at 5.45 and then at Stanbridge and Tilsworth village hall on June 9 at 10.15am.