One dental surgery to expand as another closes

A dental practice in Leighton Buzzard has made a planning application to add two extra surgery rooms '“ just as another practice in the town prepares to close.

West Street Dental Practice submitted the application to Central Bedfordshire Council. There were no objections from Leighton Linslade Town Council and a decision will be reached by February 16.

News of the expansion comes as the other dental surgery in the town, Leighton Buzzard Dental Centre on North Street, is preparing to close at the end of March.

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LBO reader Sylvia Ferguson said she was dismayed by the closure of Leighton Buzzard Dental Centre.

She said: “ I first learned of the closure when I went for a check up I was totally shocked when I was informed.

“It is totally ridiculous, the staff and dentist are wonderful and caring and are very patient.

“It is the only dentist practice in Leighton Buzzard that is open late and on a Saturday as most people like myself have to work all week so it is convenient for getting appointments.

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“When I enquired why they are closing I was told it is to do with government cutbacks . I have since tried to register with other practice only to be told their books are full due to the closure of the Dental Centre and won’t be opening the books until March when two more dentist have been taken on.

“This will lead to long waiting lists for appointments, not good when you need help fast. The council and government want more houses built so they get more money but are not providing the care people need.”

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