Man robbed in Leighton by teenage trio

A man was punched and had his jacket containing money stolen after being approached by three teenagers in Leighton Buzzard.

Police are appealing for information following the robbery in Billington Road, yesterday (Tuesday).

At around 7.30pm the victim was walking away from town near McDonald’s when he was approached by the trio – aged around 18 or 19 years old.

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One of the men asked for a cigarette, and when told he didn’t have one, punched the victim in the ribs.

The group then ripped off his jacket, containing his money, and ran off towards the town centre.

The offenders are described as white, around 5ft 7ins tall and wearing dark hoodies.

PC Jenny Buckley, investigating, said: “Robbery is a scary and nasty crime and we are appealing for anyone with information to come forward and help us find those responsible.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Buckley on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.