Man who stole from mother is spared jail term

A man from Leighton Buzzard who stole over £14,000 from his mother's bank account was spared an immediate jail sentence.

Robert Pullen, 46, appeared at St Albans Crown Court on October 7 after pleading guilty to stealing £14,340 from the bank account of his mother Rosemary.

From November 2014 to July 2016, Pullen would sneak into his mum’s home in the early hours of the morning and take the card to withdraw cash. He would then sneak back and replace the card before his mum awoke.

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When arrested, Pullen made full admissions to police and told officers he was “useless with money”. He added that the offence had started as a one-off but had “snowballed”.

Pullen, of Threshers Court, Meadow Way, was sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment suspended for 18 months and ordered to pay £2,500 compensation at a rate of £200 a month.

He must carry out 250 hours of unpaid work and take part in a rehabilitation activity requirement for 28 days, as well as complete a thinking skills programme.

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