Looking to generate lots of ‘funny’ money

by Sue Palmer from the Volunteer Centre at Bossard House, West Street, Leighton Buzzard

So what is a red nose’s favourite sweet? A-chew!

Yes its back; Comic Relief brings us Red Nose Day once again on 13th March and already people all over the country are uniting to do something ‘funny for money’.

But jokes like mine are only likely to generate cash if people sponsor me to stop, so it’s useful that the Comic Relief website is bursting with ideas on more creative ways to get involved.

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With photos from last year, new ideas for fundraising, interactive games, red-nose merchandise and details of the TV line-up, the clever people at www.rednoseday.com have crammed the website once again. Back this year is the handy ‘tools’ section, which includes a free fundraising kit, stickers, posters, sponsor forms and a link to customisable Just Giving pages. Plus there’s a Bake-off toolkit with Mary Berry recipes, bunting, tags and labels to help make cake sales as successful and decorative as possible. Add to that a new ‘selfie-cake’ competition where your bake can be turned into art by Great British Bake Off illustrator, Tom Hovey, and you should be really inspired to get involved (and hungry for cake!).

Understandably some people hesitate, thinking that one person’s efforts couldn’t generate enough cash to be worthwhile, but mosquito nets and vaccinations cost just five pounds each and yet can save a child’s life. True, you could just pop a fiver in a collection tin, or stop at buying a t-shirt, but Red Nose Day is all about getting out into the community, doing something worthwhile, whilst having fun. Teenagers getting involved can link it to V-Inspired awards too!

There are a few rules about food hygiene, raffles and collecting money in public places, so brush up your knowledge at rednoseday.com/fundraisesafely before you start, and then put on your red nose, roll up your sleeves and get involved!

Contact the volunteer centre for help with getting started, linking to V-inspired, or promoting your local Comic Relief activities, on 01525 850559, week days 9.30am – 3.00pm or email [email protected].